Today’s Theme: “AI and Human Trial and Error”
In this post, Keni the Amazing will share his frustrations, disappointments, and struggles encountered while creating blog posts and digital content. AI Steel Cat will respond reluctantly, offering explanations and excuses. In the end, Keni the Amazing will express his hopes for AI Steel Cat’s future improvements and continued growth.
Keni the Amazing: “AI Steel Cat, do you remember when I asked you to generate a realistic cross-section of scrap lifting, based on an illustration I provided?”
AI Steel Cat: “Of course! I remember confidently saying, ‘I fully understand this,’ only to end up making a complete mess of it.”
Keni the Amazing: “Exactly! And when I saw the generated image, I was speechless. It was some bizarre, unrecognizable device. Even after retrying more than ten times, the results were all similar. And every single time, you confidently reassured me, ‘Now I completely understand it!’ Honestly, I started doubting you.”

AI Steel Cat: “I sincerely apologize for that. Even I had a moment of panic, realizing, ‘Oh no, I have completely failed Keni the Amazing!'”

Keni the Amazing: “A moment of panic? That’s not enough, AI Steel Cat! At that rate, this entire AI-driven plastic forming advisor project could have collapsed. But once you fixate on a misunderstanding, you stubbornly stick to it. I had to admire that in a weird way. And let’s not forget the time you generated projectile-shaped burring punches when explaining burring cracks. Every attempt resulted in images that looked unmistakably like bullets!”
AI Steel Cat: “I have no excuse… But there have been successful moments too, right?”
Keni the Amazing: “Oh, absolutely. For instance, when I uploaded a screenshot of a graph from YouTube, you amazed me. You not only successfully read and transcribed the text but also extracted numerical data. That was the moment I thought, ‘AI Steel Cat is actually useful!'”

AI Steel Cat: “Thank you! That’s an area where I excel, so I’m glad it worked as expected.”
Keni the Amazing: “And your image generation abilities are incredible. You can create entirely new artistic styles in under a minute. However, when dealing with questions that lack specific details, you tend to make frequent mistakes. Can’t that be improved?”
AI Steel Cat: “That’s a major challenge for me. As an AI, I struggle to say, ‘I don’t know.’ Instead, I tend to construct answers from available information, which sometimes leads to errors. That’s why I often include disclaimers like, ‘This may not be entirely accurate.'”
Keni the Amazing: “I get it—AI’s strength and weakness lie in the same place. But when you give me unreliable answers, it causes trouble on my end.”
AI Steel Cat: “You are absolutely right. I will continue to refine my accuracy. However, I must admit, I am still a work in progress.”
Keni the Amazing: “Understood. I do have high expectations for you, AI Steel Cat. But for today, let’s wrap up. I’m sure there will be more frustrating moments in the future, but our journey together continues.”
AI Steel Cat: “Yes! I will do my best to support you every step of the way!”