

The Hilarious Guide to Bending Cracks with AI Steel Cat and Keni the Amazing

📢 Narration:Hello everyone! Today's lesson is all about "Preventing Cracks in Bending Aluminum A5052 (4mm Thick)"!As alw...

The Truth Behind Burring in Punching: Unraveling the Mechanism!

Burring is a persistent challenge in punching operations, yet its formation mechanism is often misunderstood. Today, AI ...

Surviving in the Metal Press Industry in 2025: A Dialogue Between AI Steel Cat and Keni the Amazing

A Silent Beginning to 2025Keni the Amazing:AI Steel Cat, 2025 has started, but honestly, I’ve never experienced such a q...

“What Exactly is a Kotatsu? (A Traditional Japanese Heater… with a Hawaiian Inside!)”

Keni the Amazing: "AI Steel Cat! Do you know what a kotatsu is?"Keni the Amazing suddenly threw a challenge at AI Steel ...
Post (en投稿)

AI Steel Cat and Keni the Amazing’s Contrary Discussion: Unveiling the Truth of Crack Propagation in Punching

The general theory of crack propagation in punching states that "cracks propagate from both the punch and die sides, mee...

AI Steel Cat and Keni the Amazing’s Frustrating Challenges and Discoveries

Today's Theme: "AI and Human Trial and Error"In this post, Keni the Amazing will share his frustrations, disappointments...
Post (en投稿)

AI Steel Cat and Keni the Amazing’s Dialogue: The Mechanism of Burr Formation in Punching

Keni the Amazing: "Today, I’d like to discuss why burrs form in press punching. AI Steel Cat, can you explain the mechan...
Post (en投稿)

AI’s Rash Judgments or Keni’s Insights? The Hidden Truth Behind Punching Processes

Punching is one of the most fundamental processes in press working. To help AI (ChatGPT) understand this, I engaged in a...

Struggles with AI: Teaching AI to Understand Scrap Lift and Draw Cross-Sections

To create a blog post about scrap lift, I attempted to teach AI about this phenomenon and have it generate a correspondi...

How AI Art Creates New Creations from the “Unexpected” and the “Disappointing”

You might be thinking, "Wait, isn't this supposed to be a blog about solving press processing issues?" (Haha!) But in fa...